National Bubble Bath Day and More Self-Care Ideas

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Now that the holiday season has wrapped up, it is time to focus on self-care. Everyone can benefit from “me time,” but few people get serious about it. There are many nonsensical holidays to observe, but National Bubble Bath Day might be a good one to take seriously. Self-care has gotten a lot of attention lately. As we continue to deal with the pandemic, people have realized how important self-care is and are prioritizing it like never before. This blog post will discuss recommended products for National Bubble Bath Day and provide valuable self-care ideas that are easy to implement.


National bubble bath day occurs on January 8th. This unconventional holiday is all about sitting back, relaxing, and melting away the perpetual stress that occurs between November and December. However, why not take this holiday seriously and start creating more time for self-care?

Self-Care Ideas You Can Start Now!

The foundation of self-care ideas is taking time away from your day-to-day routine to ensure your heart, mind, and body can handle what comes next. You can’t give what you don’t have, so prioritizing your self-care is essential so you can continue caring for your loved ones. My self-care ideas below focus on solitude and reducing stress so you can see things more clearly.

Self-Care Idea #1 – Reconnect with Nature

Spending time outdoors benefits our whole self. It raises your fitness level, helps with weight loss, increases vitamin D, and reduces blood pressure. Aligning to the rhythms of nature feeds your soul and makes you feel alive. Above all, it provides a fresh perspective to any problem you face.

Self-Care Idea - Daily Hike to Reconnect with Nature

I’ve been walking for two hours every morning to accomplish those things and more. So, I put in my earbuds and listen to a podcast, audiobook, or my favorite tunes and take in all that nature offers. I often pause to take pictures or pause the audio and listen to nature. This self-care idea is excellent because it has little to no cost.

Self-Care Idea #2 – Light Some Candles

Candles transform the atmosphere through scent, and they change how we feel in a space. I find cleaning therapeutic, crazy, I know but hear me out. While cleaning my home, I feel like I’m cleaning my mind simultaneously. Once all the rooms are clean, I go around lighting candles. The warm glow of candlelight combined with the fresh scent calms my mind and improves my mood. Check out these candle deals on Amazon and consider purchasing them for your self-care routine.

Self-Care Idea #3 – Take a Nap With a Sound Machine

Sleep is essential to your daily health routine and overall well-being. Indulge in a nap as part of your self-care routine by adding white noise or soothing sounds to create a natural and relaxing experience. Sound machines make disruptive noises less noticeable, which dramatically improves your sleep. Better sleep means better relaxation, which is essential for self-care.

Self-Care Idea #4 – Start a Gratitude Journal

The best part of starting a gratitude journal for your self-care routine is there is no right or wrong way to create one. Writing in a gratitude journal increases your positivity because you focus on all the good in your life. It improves your self-esteem because it allows you to be present with your achievements. Finally, keeping a gratitude journal makes you happier because you will feel more positive emotions by writing them down.

Self-Care Idea #5 – Bath Time

January 8th is National Bubble Bath Day, and taking a bath is an ideal way to practice self-care. Submerging ourselves in water helps with hygiene, leisure, and health. There are many benefits to having a bath for self-care. For example, a warm bath makes your heart beat faster for a healthy heart workout. Secondly, immersing yourself in hot water above your chest positively influences lung capacity and oxygen intake. Finally, bathing cleanses and moisturizes your hair, skin, and eyes.

6 Free Ideas to Help you Care for Yourself

There are plenty of ways to practice self-care that don’t require you to purchase something. Without having to buy something means you can practice self-care as often as you want.

  1. Solidtude – I regularly drive to a park, shut of my car, and sit there in silence for 10-15 minutes. A little solitude goes a long way in recharging mentally.
  2. Meditate – meditation does wonders for recentering and refocusing.
  3. Breath – a few slow, long, deep breaths calm you down quickly
  4. Exercise – exercise is full of benefits and is a must-have in any self-care routine
  5. Meet a friend for coffee – spending time with people you care for is great for your self-care routine
  6. Watch the sunrise or sunset – take in the awe and beauty of a sunrise or sunset. Check out the below sunrise and sunset photos I recently took.
Sun rise
Sun set

Here is one last idea for your self-care routine. Change your routine. Get out of your rut by changing things up by shutting off your autopilot. I often make small changes to my day to help my brain think about things differently. For example, sometimes, I turn left instead of right when commuting to work. My brain is forced to pay attention and think rather than knowing where to turn and when by taking a different route. Getting rid of the monotony energizes me and helps with creativity.

Tell me how you practice self-care in the comments below!


Author: Jason Cortel

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I created this blog to help you find exciting deals and explore topics and different perspectives you might not otherwise have looked at.