Wastes Your Time – 10 Obvious Time Sucks

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How many hours do you think you spend each day doing things that waste your time? Unfortunately, if you’re like most people, the answer is a lot. We all have regular activities that don’t really get us anywhere. In fact, they often detract from our productivity and keep us from reaching our goals. In this blog post, we will take a look at ten activities that wastes your time. Hopefully, after reading this post, you will be able to identify some of these time-wasters in your own life and take steps to eliminate them!



TikTok wastes your time because it’s a platform that encourages users to post short, attention-grabbing videos instead of more substantive content. Additionally, TikTok is addictive and distracting. Spending too much time on TikTok can keep you from accomplishing your goals or completing important tasks. Additionally, TikTok can often be a source of negativity, with users posting negative comments and engaging in cyberbullying. For these reasons, it’s best to avoid using TikTok and spend your time on other social media platforms that are more beneficial.

For-Profit Colleges

For-profit colleges are a waste of time. They often have very low standards, they’re expensive, and the education you receive is often not worth the money.

Many for-profit colleges are accredited, which means that employers accept them. However, this does not mean that the education you receive is good. Many for-profit colleges are scams. They lure in students with promises of a good education, only to leave them with a lot of debt and no job.

For-Profit College Degrees Wastes Your Time


Gossip wastes your time because it’s a negative and destructive form of communication. When you gossip, you’re usually talking about someone behind their back and spreading rumors. This can be hurtful to the person being gossiped about, leading to conflict and drama. Additionally, when you gossip, you’re usually wasting time talking about things that don’t matter. Instead of spending your time chatting with friends about pointless gossip, try focusing on more positive and productive conversations.


Clickbait wastes your time because it’s a form of content designed to get you to click on it. Typically, clickbait is a provocative or sensationalized headline to get you to click on it. However, the content generally found behind these headlines is often not worth your time. In addition, clickbait articles are often filled with inaccurate information full of ads, and they rarely provide any real value. For these reasons, it’s best to avoid clicking on clickbait headlines and spend your time on other types of content.

News Scrolling Wastes Your Time

News scrolling wastes your time because it often features sensationalized headlines that are not worth your time. Additionally, news scrolling can be a form of procrastination because it’s easy to spend a lot of time scrolling through headlines without reading any of the articles. This means that you’re spending more time reading news headlines than you would if you focused on other tasks. To avoid wasting time with news scrolling, try focusing on one article at a time and try only to read articles that are relevant to you.

Doing Things You Hate

Spending time on things that you hate wastes your time because you’re not doing something that you enjoy. Additionally, when you’re doing something that you hate, it’s often difficult to focus, and you’re more likely to procrastinate. This means that you’re not getting anything done. You’re simply wasting your time.

To avoid wasting your time, try focusing on things that make you happy. It’s easier to focus on when you do something that you enjoy, and you’re less likely to procrastinate. This means that you’ll be more productive and get more done in less time.

Holding Grudges Wastes Your Time

When you hold a grudge, you’re essentially wasting your time because you’re focusing on something that doesn’t matter. When you’re upset about something, you’re usually thinking about the situation repeatedly and dwelling on the negative emotions that you’re feeling. This wastes your time and energy, and it can also lead to conflict and drama.

To avoid wasting your time, try forgiving the person who wronged you. When you forgive someone, you’re releasing the negative feelings toward them. This means that you’ll be able to move on from the situation and no longer waste your time thinking about it.

Pharmaceutical Ads

The average American sees an overwhelming amount of pharmaceutical advertisements daily. That’s a lot of time wasted watching ads for products that may or may not be effective. Even if you don’t watch TV, you can’t escape pharmaceutical advertising. It’s on the internet, in magazines, and even on the sides of buses.

Pharmaceutical ads are often very misleading. They feature people looking happy and healthy. Even worse, pharmaceutical ads make you believe you have an illness their drug can solve. The U.S. is only ONE of TWO countries where direct-to-consumer ads for prescription drugs are legal.

Working for a Bad Boss

Working for a bad boss wastes your time in several ways. First, they often make you do unnecessary tasks. Second, they create a hostile work environment. This makes it difficult to focus on your work and wastes your time. Finally, they can slow down your career growth. This wastes your time by preventing you from getting promoted and earning more money.

Fast Food Chains Wastes Your Time

Fast food chains are one of the biggest wastes of time there is. It’s unhealthy, it’s expensive, and it’s usually very low quality. The majority of fast-food chains are designed to make you eat as much as possible in a short amount of time. This means that they rely on high-calorie foods that are bad for you.

Additionally, fast food is expensive. You can easily spend $10 on lunch at a fast-food restaurant. That’s a lot of money to spend on something that’s not very healthy. Usually, fast-food service is awful, your order is wrong, and most or all of the meal is cold and stale. Above all, you are left bloated and miserable after eating fast food.

It’s important to be aware of the activities that waste your time, so you can avoid them. By recognizing the activities that steal your day, you’ll be able to focus on things that are more productive and meaningful. The world is full of distractions and there is a saturation of people and companies who want your attention. However, they want your attention so you stay distracted from reality.


Author: Jason Cortel

About the author

I created this blog to help you find exciting deals and explore topics and different perspectives you might not otherwise have looked at.